We work hard to locate and test valid usernames & passwords, which is why you will always have to complete a simple (1-2 minute) survey! They are very simple, and require basic information. Take a look at our guide below and you'll be hitting up those adult sites very soon!

Downloading from ShareCash

Step 1: When you click on any ShareCash download link the following page will open:

Step 2: Once you click the "Regular Download" link, choose which survey you want to complete. Or you can choose “Premium Download” link and can download any ShareCash file without filling any survey forms. A Premium Account is not free, of course.

Step 3: After submitting the surveys, the download will automatically unlock! That’s all there is to it!

Downloading from EnviroFile

Almost exactly the same format as ShareCash. In my opinion, i prefer EnviroFile over ShareCash.